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NASA ने साझा की ब्रह्मांड की कुछ अद्भुत तस्वीरें, जिसे देख आप बोलेंगे अविश्वसनीय

जनता से रिश्ता वेबडेस्क| अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी नासा ने हाल ही में पृथ्वी के बाहर यानी ब्रह्मांड की कुछ अद्भुत तस्वीरें सोशल मीडिया पर साझा की हैं। एक नजर में यह तस्वीरें अविश्वसनीय लगती हैं लेकिन इन्हें देखकर आप इनकी सुंदरता से अवाक रह जाएंगे।
Right #now Chandra is studying a star in #Taurus. Nearby in the sky a star known as T Tauri is illuminating the variable nebula NGC 1555. A variable nebula is a reflection nebula that fluctuates in brightness due to changes in the star whose light it reflects. pic.twitter.com/PIhCM2e0OO
— Chandra Observatory (@chandraxray) December 1, 2020
⭐The white source in this image is a rapidly rotating neutron star, a pulsar, left behind after a core-collapse supernova explosion. The pulsar is generating a wind of high-energy particles that's expanding into its surroundings, illuminating material ejected in the explosion. pic.twitter.com/qmoCRQwPLj
— Chandra Observatory (@chandraxray) December 2, 2020
✨The Orion Nebula can be seen just below the 3 stars of Orion's belt even without a telescope. The view in X-ray and radio light is much different, revealing a spectacular vista that the unaided human eye could never capture. (X-ray, blue: Chandra; Radio, purple: @TheNRAO's VLA) pic.twitter.com/Hf2AMqOr7H
— Chandra Observatory (@chandraxray) December 3, 2020
As matter swirls around the outside of a #BlackHole, it can be redirected in the form of jets of particles & electromagnetic energy. Powerful jets are emanating from the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy Cygnus A, blasting roughly 250k light years in each direction. pic.twitter.com/oALOKO2qqW
— Chandra Observatory (@chandraxray) December 4, 2020