भगत सिंह (Bhagat Singh), स्वामी विवेकानंद (Swami Vivekananda) और इतिहास के अन्य महत्वपूर्ण लोगों की पुरानी तस्वीरों को एक नई लॉन्च की गई AI तकनीक (AI Technology) का उपयोग करके जीवन में वापस लाया गया है. 'डीप नॉस्टैल्जिया' (Deep Nostalgia) एक कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरण है, जिसे वंशावली वेबसाइट MyHeritage द्वारा जारी किया गया है, जो अभी भी तस्वीरों में चेहरे के एनिमेशन जोड़ सकता है. MyHeritage ने एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट में लिखा है, "यह फीचर सही मायने में 'आपके पुराने परिवार के फोटो को जीवन में लाता है.'
Kind of surreal to take a photo of the singularly inspiring Bhagat Singh -- a revolutionary voice in 1920s India, who was hung by the British in 1931, at the age of 24 -- run it through the Heritage AI algorithm, and see him reanimated. pic.twitter.com/CfC0Gu6Gxk
— Keerthik Sasidharan (@KS1729) February 28, 2021
Kind of surreal to take a photo of the singularly inspiring Bhagat Singh -- a revolutionary voice in 1920s India, who was hung by the British in 1931, at the age of 24 -- run it through the Heritage AI algorithm, and see him reanimated. pic.twitter.com/CfC0Gu6Gxk
— Keerthik Sasidharan (@KS1729) February 28, 2021
Kind of surreal to take a photo of the singularly inspiring Bhagat Singh -- a revolutionary voice in 1920s India, who was hung by the British in 1931, at the age of 24 -- run it through the Heritage AI algorithm, and see him reanimated. pic.twitter.com/CfC0Gu6Gxk
— Keerthik Sasidharan (@KS1729) February 28, 2021
Kind of surreal to take a photo of the singularly inspiring Bhagat Singh -- a revolutionary voice in 1920s India, who was hung by the British in 1931, at the age of 24 -- run it through the Heritage AI algorithm, and see him reanimated. pic.twitter.com/CfC0Gu6Gxk
— Keerthik Sasidharan (@KS1729) February 28, 2021
Kind of surreal to take a photo of the singularly inspiring Bhagat Singh -- a revolutionary voice in 1920s India, who was hung by the British in 1931, at the age of 24 -- run it through the Heritage AI algorithm, and see him reanimated. pic.twitter.com/CfC0Gu6Gxk
— Keerthik Sasidharan (@KS1729) February 28, 2021