सोशल मीडिया पर कब क्या वायरल हो जाए कुछ नहीं कहा जा सकता है. इन दिनों किसी ने ऐसी कारस्तानी की है कि उसका सुर्खियों में आना तो बनता था. दरअसल कट-अप डेनिम जींस पहने घोड़े की एक तस्वीर सोशल मीडिया पर लोगों का ध्यान अपनी ओर खींच रही है. लेकिन घोड़े के इस फैशन के पीछे की कहानी काफी दिलचस्प है. आइए जानते हैं कि इस तस्वीर के वायरल होने की असल वजह.
My wife's horse has a problem with flies bothering his leg wound so she harnessed her Doctoral degree and fashioned him jean suspenders… pic.twitter.com/BQOsOthyL3
— Ben Voytas (@BenVoytas) July 18, 2021
My wife's horse has a problem with flies bothering his leg wound so she harnessed her Doctoral degree and fashioned him jean suspenders… pic.twitter.com/BQOsOthyL3
— Ben Voytas (@BenVoytas) July 18, 2021
My wife's horse has a problem with flies bothering his leg wound so she harnessed her Doctoral degree and fashioned him jean suspenders… pic.twitter.com/BQOsOthyL3
— Ben Voytas (@BenVoytas) July 18, 2021
My wife's horse has a problem with flies bothering his leg wound so she harnessed her Doctoral degree and fashioned him jean suspenders… pic.twitter.com/BQOsOthyL3
— Ben Voytas (@BenVoytas) July 18, 2021