हम सबने तरह-तरह के बाजार, फल और सब्जियों की मंडियां देखी हैं. यहां तक की देश विदेश के खूबसूरत फूलों की मार्केट भी कई लोगों ने देखी होगी. पर सोशल मीडिया पर इन दिनों जो मार्केट छाई हुई है वो अमरूद की है. अब आप सोच रहे होंगे कि भला अमरूद (Guava) की मार्केट में ऐसा क्या खास है जो उसकी इतनी चर्चा हो रही है. तो जनाब ये कोई आम बाजार नहीं बल्कि पानी पर तैरती मार्केट है.
Floating guava market is one of Bangladesh's most scenic markets. Farmers harvest guavas from nearby orchards n bring them over to the canals on their boats.Hundreds of such boats filled with guavas gather every day during harvest season,n all trade is conducted over the waters pic.twitter.com/4NKr5uMDG2
— Ritesh Misra (@riteshmisra) February 15, 2021
Floating guava market is one of Bangladesh's most scenic markets. Farmers harvest guavas from nearby orchards n bring them over to the canals on their boats.Hundreds of such boats filled with guavas gather every day during harvest season,n all trade is conducted over the waters pic.twitter.com/4NKr5uMDG2
— Ritesh Misra (@riteshmisra) February 15, 2021
Floating guava market is one of Bangladesh's most scenic markets. Farmers harvest guavas from nearby orchards n bring them over to the canals on their boats.Hundreds of such boats filled with guavas gather every day during harvest season,n all trade is conducted over the waters pic.twitter.com/4NKr5uMDG2
— Ritesh Misra (@riteshmisra) February 15, 2021