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- नए साल के मौके पर जमकर...
नए साल के मौके पर जमकर ऑर्डर हो रहे कंडोम, Zomato के CEO ने शेयर किया पूरा डेटा
नए साल के मौके पर लोग खाने-पीने की चीजें ही नहीं बल्कि कंडोम भी बड़ी संख्या में खरीद रहे हैं. Zomato के सीईओ दीपिंदर गोयल ने इस बारे में ट्विटर पर काफी सारा डेटा शेयर किया और बताया कि लोग सोडा, आइस क्यूब, आइसक्रीम और नाचोस जैसी कितनी चीजें खरीद रहे हैं.
– 130,154 liters of Soda
— Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) December 31, 2021
– 11,943 ice packs (hope no one is getting injured, and this is just for drinks)
– 4,884 jars of dips to go with nachos and chips
– 6,712 tubs of ice creams
– 28,240 packs of instant popcorn (this is what we do usually in 2 weeks time at @letsblinkit )
– 130,154 liters of Soda
— Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) December 31, 2021
– 11,943 ice packs (hope no one is getting injured, and this is just for drinks)
– 4,884 jars of dips to go with nachos and chips
– 6,712 tubs of ice creams
– 28,240 packs of instant popcorn (this is what we do usually in 2 weeks time at @letsblinkit )
– 130,154 liters of Soda
— Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) December 31, 2021
– 11,943 ice packs (hope no one is getting injured, and this is just for drinks)
– 4,884 jars of dips to go with nachos and chips
– 6,712 tubs of ice creams
– 28,240 packs of instant popcorn (this is what we do usually in 2 weeks time at @letsblinkit )
50,000+ nimbus sold already today. I guess its tequila time. @letsblinkit
— Albinder Dhindsa (@albinder) December 31, 2021